School Vision
Mount Pearl Intermediate fosters responsibility and respect for others within a safe, caring, nurturing and diverse environment, allowing students to reach their full potential. It is the mission of Mount Pearl Intermediate to strive to foster responsibility in a respectful, accepting and diversified environment to assist all students in reaching their maximum potential. Mount Pearl Intermediate has trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship as core values.
School Information
Important Dates 2024-2025:
Wednesday, September 4 - First day of school for students
Tuesday, September 17 - Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night - 7pm
Monday, September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Holiday
Friday, October 4- Deadline to order School Clothing Online
Monday, October 14 - No school -Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, October 24 - School Picture Day
Friday, November 1- No school for students -Professional Learning Day
Wednesday, November 6 - No school for students- Professional Learning Day
Monday, November 11 - Remembrance Day Holiday
Monday, November 25 - No school for students - Professional Learning Day
Friday, November 29 - Picture Retake Day
Monday, December 2- Term 1 Reports are distributed
Thursday, December 5 - Parent-Teacher Interviews, students dismissed at 11:00 am
Thursday, December 12 - Last Day for cafeteria service until after Christmas break
Friday, December 13- No school for students- Professional Learning Day
Friday, December 20 - Last day of classes prior to Christmas break -Students dismissed at 12:30 pm
Friday, March 7 - No school for students- Professional Learning Day
Monday, March 17 - St. Patrick's Day Holiday
Monday, March 24 - Term 2 Report Cards distributed
Thursday, March 27 - Parent/Teacher Interviews
Thursday, May 8- Spring Concert- More information to come
Mid- Term Exam Information
Mid-term exams for students in grade 7-9 will take place from January 20-24.
Grade 7 students - Math Exam
Grade 8 students- Math and Science Exams
Grade 9 students - Math, Science and English Exams
School Development Surveys
Parent Surveys - lCLICK HEREI
Grade 6 Student Survey - lCLICK HEREl
Grade 7-9 Student Survey - lCLICK HEREl
Online Safety Documents for Families | CLICK HERE|
Student Supply List September 2024:
Grade 6 Supply List | CLICK HERE|
Grades 7-9 Supply List | CLICK HERE|
Chartwell's Food Service:
Students can purchase food at the school during recess and lunch. Cafeteria service will begin on Monday, September 9.
NL Guidance Service - see the attached memo regarding the launch of the toll free line to access school counsellors. |CLICK HERE|
To Report Student Absenteeism, please email:
Organizational Checklist for Students | CLICK HERE |
Evaluation Policy Guidelines | CLICK HERE |
Personal Electronic Device Policy |CLICK HERE|
Important Downloads:
School Calendar 2024-2025 |CLICK HERE|
2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook |CLICK HERE|
Grade 6 Curriculum |CLICK HERE|
Grade 7 Curriculum|CLICK HERE|
Grade 8 Curriculum|CLICK HERE|
Grade 9 Curriculum|CLICK HERE|
We would like to provide families with some information regarding Google and it's many functions that students are currently engaging with during their learning. Google resources for school communities
2024-2025 BUSING:
School Bus Routes are available on the NLSchools website
Courtesy Seat Request Form |CLICK HERE|
For more information regarding student transportation ie: expectations, inquiries, requests, concerns etc., please |CLICK HERE|
In order to access OPTIS please | CLICK HERE |
For directions on use of OPTIS | CLICK HERE |
2024 Year End Awards
School Highlights
Character Counts At MPI
As with many schools in the province, Mount Pearl Intermediate has implemented a “Character Counts" program in our school. The program invites students and staff to create a positive school environment where all can feel safe and respected. This program also promotes an atmosphere of acceptance, trust and responsibility for others. More info and resources to come!
Be Kind
In an effort to promote positive student relationships, Mount Pearl Intermediate promotes a Character Education program for students. Built around 6 character pillars - trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, citizenship, caring, fairness - the program promotes positive relationships within the school environment. Additionally, Mount Pearl Intermediate makes use of direct instruction, guidance services, special promotional events, plus school and NLESD policies to promote positive relationships within the school and digital environment. For more information and resources | CLICK HERE |.
School Breakfast Program
In order to promote student learning and the acquisition of knowledge it is imperative that everyone must maintain a well-balanced breakfast in the morning. With the assistance of our teachers and community our school has developed a breakfast program powered to fuel the learning minds of our school. To volunteer for our breakfast program email